Test mode

Can I make an appointment for my family member through my profile?

In order to make an appointment, you should log in your profile and go to the section “Appointments” and the list with your appointments will open for you. These are the appointments you have made previously (there are both actual and earlier). In order to create a new appointment, click the button "Create a new appointment". Then from the offered list of institutions you should select the appropriate institution and its specialist you would like to see.

When you have selected the necessary service and specialist, as well as, out of the specialist’s free spots in the available appointment calendar, you have selected the appropriate appointment time, then you will be given a window with an appointment creation questionnaire, where you should have to enter your data.

If you would like to make an appointment for your relative through your profile, then in these fields you should enter your relative’s data.

In order make an electronic appointment at your selected time, you have 15 minutes during which no other user of the portal would be able to select the particular time of the specialist of this institution.

If you would not fill in any field or you would entered, for example, non-existent identity number, you will be shown a red exclamation mark next to the incorrectly filled in field.

When you have entered all information and made sure that it has been entered correctly, click the button "Continue". Following the making of appointment, you will receive in your e-mail a message that the appointment has been created.