Test mode

How to register in the portal?

In order you could register in the portal, you should click the button “Sign up” in the main page of the portal; then you will be shown the registration questionnaire. Into this questionnaire you should enter all required information in order to register successfully and to create your profile. If any of the fields that should be filled in obligatory, is not filled in or if the incorrect information is entered (for example, the non-existing year of birth), then, when the button “Register” is clicked, such fields will be marked by red exclamation marks and you will have to correct these fields.

It will be possible to correct the entered information also after the registration.

Following the entering and confirmation of information, when the button “Register” is clicked, there is a registration confirmation message is sent to your e-mail with the instruction how to complete the registration in the portal. In order to complete the registration successfully, it is necessary to click the button “Confirm the registration e-mail” or to copy the link you see under this button to your address field of the Internet browser. The confirmation e-mail is valid for 24 h since it was sent.